Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

nature shots

Decided to head outside while my son was napping to see what nature photos I could get from my own yard. 

These are plants that I had picked a few months ago that I have drying on my back patio

These 2 are of the moon during the day.  I liked the shot that I had with the tree limbs on the side. 

This is a flower that is growing at the side of my house.  I really like the way the shadows were showing on the wall.



These are trees that were in the yard that I though might make good photos.

first tries at editing

I decided to see what editing could do for some of my photos.  I installed the free version of Picasa.  I figured since I had never really used editing software before, a free version would be a good place to start.  I am able to do some basic things in it, but it's just not quite what I was hoping for.  I would appreciate any feedback on some good free options for photo editing.  Once I get a better understanding of my camera and editing photos, I hope to move into the Photoshop products.

unedited early shots

These are some of the first shots taken with my new camera.  I was just playing with all of the settings, trying to get used to everything.  These are all unedited versions.

My favorite model.....my son!

My dog just loves to have his photo taken! 

The beginning...

I recently purchased a Canon Rebel T1i.  I am new to using a camera other than a cheap point and shoot and am trying to learn to use this one in manual mode.  Right now I am shooting with the kit 18-55mm lens to try to learn the basics.  I am using the free Picasa 3 program for editing photos, again, just to learn the basics.